Insert Text
See also Fast_Text Text Scaling
Keyboard access: "T"
Select the Text tool. Esc to quit.
- Enter text or select from the pre-assigned text buttons.
- Select color, font attributes, and orientation as needed.
- Click Ok to place text on the workspace.
- Drag to position the text and click. Or move the text with the arrow keys, then press Enter.
To enter additional text, select the Text button again. Or select another tool.
More Info:
- Multiple lines of text can be entered, but each is treated as a separate element of the drawing.
- When a Reserved word such as LastSaved is entered, the date the plan was last saved is updated when printed.
- For further details, and other such terms, Please see Reserved Words.
- The keyboard arrow keys move the cursor one pixel at a time.
- The number pad arrow keys move the cursor the distance assigned. Adjust this distance by pressing the Plus and Minus keys. The current distance is reported on the far right of the status bar.
To edit the text later, select the line you wish to edit, and click the Alter Plan Text button.